“Chasing the Light” Cover Story

Chasing the Light by Jesse BlackadderThis morning I’ve received a warm email from Jesse Blackadder, the author of a great novell “Chasing the Light”. It reads: “I’m the author of the book that features one of your exquisite photos on the cover. I’d really like to link to your website for more information about that shot. … I’m sure my readers will be fascinated – I’ve had so many great comments about the cover!”

Dear Jesse, that is a good question, I’ll tell you the story with pleasure. The woman on this photo is Natalie Avseenko, twice world champion in freediving.

These two women (Natalie’s and your heroine) were seperated with 80 years and resided on the opposite ends of the earth, but their stories seem to have similar features. These two women are very feminine and strong at the same time; I think, it was their inner integrity and fidelity to themselves made them who they are.

The shot had been captured by Viktor Lyagushkin in the White sea, behind the North Polar Circle, 2011.   In this project Natalie freedived naked with white whales. Swimming with belugas was her child dream, but why she was naked? Continue reading