Photography by Viktor Lyagushkin is Nat Geo Editors’ Choice

A new selection of the 25 best underwater photos in the world has appeared on the website of National Geographic magazine. Photographs by our leader Viktor Lyagushkin from the Orda cave and the White Sea from the project “Until the Ice Melts” are on the list.

Interview with Viktor Lyagushkin on PhotoWebExpo YouTube Channel

A great interview with a member of the PHOTOTEAM.PRO and Nikon Ambassador Viktor Lyagushkin on the PhotoWebExpo channel.
Honestly and sincerely, Viktor answered the questions: is camera plays the most important role in taking pictures, how to become the best, how do sea animals like to be shot,  etc.


White Sea Backstage in National Geographic Russia

Reportage in the National Geographic Russia for June 2019 tells what it takes to create new underwtaer shots in the Arctic conditions. A lot of photos from our trip to the White Sea in 2018. And warm words from the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine Andrei Palamarchuk to Viktor Lyagushkin in the editor’s word to reader on the first page warm the heart. Thank you, Andrew, very nice!

One Dolphin, Two Dolphins… Feature story in NatGeo Georgia

My feature story for National Geographic Georgia, illustrated with Viktor Lyagushkin’s photography, about the Black Sea dolphins and dedicated scientists. During the work on the material I was deeply impressed with Professor Natia Kopaliani from Elias University in Tbilisi, who heads the program for studying and counting marine mammals of the Black Sea. There are only seven people in her group, but they manage with a huge amount of work: this includes counting dolphins and analysis of tissues of dead sea mammals for dangerous viruses and genetic analysis, assessing the diet of dolphins based on fish otoliths found in their stomachs, a lot of samples and so on. And finally, accurate and literate work with the obtained data, which then builds the most interesting scientific publications.
The work of the group made such an impression on me that I changed my original idea to ​​devote an article to Black Sea dwellers only, shifting the emphasis to the work of scientists.

Let Everyone Saves One Tree! – National Geographic (Georgia)

Let Everyone Saves One Tree! – is the main message of my article about Colchis boxwood, published in the November 2018 issue of National Geographic (Georgia) Magazine.

Boxwood is a special plant for Georgia. In just a few years, the Colchis boxwood almost completely disappeared from the wildlife of the Caucasus, eaten by an invasive insect – a boxwood moth brought from the Far East.

The article describes what kind of plant it is, and what is its main enemy, what are the ways to save boxwood, and what has already been done.

Photography by Viktor Lyagushkin.

Many thanks to everyone who helped in the photoshooting and writing of the article.

25 Amazing Photos of Life Underwater – National Geographic Editor Choice

Editors of National Geographic Your Shot picked 25 Amazing Photos of Life Underwater from dozens of millions pictures sent by participants of this popular contest.

Editor’s selection included two photographs by Viktor Lyagushkin: Orda Cave underwater landscape andWhite Sea under ice.

Congrats, Viktor! Good job!


Ethereal Creatures Living Under Arctic Ice

See the Amazing, Ethereal Creatures Living Under Arctic Ice is the title of a story which is now live on National Geographic site. It features Viktor Lyagushkin’s photos and text includes my answers and captions.

Viktor is proud to have his work being so highly estimated and I am happy that my captions have been preserved almost in its original form, with only minor editing.

Thank you, Sarah Stocke, for good questions and thoughtful work!


A Sign of Leopard To Come


Big story in National Geographic Georgia Magazine by me, Bogdana Vashchenko, illustrated with photographs by Viktor Lyagushkin, about Vashlovani National Reserve, our of the oldest National Reserves in Georgia. It’s an honour for us to be published in the festive issue of the Magazine, dedicated to its 5-th Anniversary.

Working on the story I was so impressed how it had been possible for all sides to Mind-Meld: the government, non-state organization NACRES, and shepherds.

Here in Vashlovani it is easy to see how strongly tied humans and nature.