Our team at PHOTOTEAM.PRO created a book about freediving champion and world record holder Natalie Avseenko, also known as the Princess of Whales. This philosophical book incorporates elements of biography.
In it, Natalie shares her journey from an overachieving youth to a mature understanding of life’s meanings. She describes how challenges and twists of fate became stepping stones for personal growth. The book explores the “Water Truce” concept and the distant horizons that can only be seen in depth. It is a reflection on the journey of the heart and the process of overcoming one’s limitations.
“This is a book about water, in which I entered and emerged transformed. It speaks of the water where my tears and sweat remain unseen, but where the truth can be found,” Natalie explains.
You will discover how an ordinary Soviet girl grew to achieve global fame. Her path was filled with twists and dead ends, abysses and alluring peaks, great teachers, and ordinary people whose encounters became significant. She faced fears and grief, experiencing both highs and lows. Natalie has never spoken so openly about herself.
The book is structured into seven chapters, each corresponding to a stage of internal transformation, reflecting the phases of a freediver’s descent into the depths. It features a first-person narrative. At the end of each chapter, there is a bonus: a lesson from Natalie Avseenko, which includes examples of the exercises she practices or even a recipe for her favorite dish.

The book is available as an ebook and audiobook, which Natalie Avseenko personally read for you.
Ghost writer: Bogdana Vashchenko.