Red Sea Photographer of the Year 2013 News

Congratulations to our team photographer, Victor Lyagushkin! He set the first place in January stage of the competition Photographer of the Year 2013 with his Blue Lake photo, Lady of Orda Cave photo and photo from Lazurny quarry. Wish him good luck for the future!


Underwater Cave Spherical Panorama

DSCF4986Orda Cave is our first joint project with AirPano team.  In 2010 we spent 6 months in the cave shooting its amazing galleries, working on Orda Cave Awareness Project.  And spherical panorama of the Cave became the next logical step for AirPano team and us.

We are happy to show you The very first world’s spherical underwater cave panorama:
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Lady of Orda Cave – Documentary

Lady of Orda Cave

Dear friends,
the documentary dedicated to our recent adventure to Orda Cave is ready! It is available at Russia Today Channel web site. Documentary anounce reads:

“Free diving champion Natalie Avseenko is seeking inner peace in the deep of the Orda Cave in Russia’s Perm Region. Join RT as we travel with her and an entourage of support divers, photographers, and journalists documenting her attempt to become the underwater legend known as the Mistress of the Orda Cave”.
The documentary “Mistress of the Orda Cave”

Posters and Art Prints Are Available!

Dear friends!

Borders, bank systems and post services are not an issue for us anymore.
Now you may order any poster or art print or greeting card with any of our pictures here:

If there is no photo you like, just inform us at and we’ll upload the file you need to ARTFLAKES.