Until The Ice Melts in Arkhangelsk

Виктор Лягушкин и нобелевский лауреат Алексей Кокорин на открытии выставки

Nikon Ambassador Viktor Lyagushkin and Nobel Laureate Alexei Kokorin at the opening of the exhibition

November 9, 2019 in the building of the Pomorsk Philharmonic in Arkhangelsk, the opening of the exhibition of photographs by Viktor Lyagushkin “Until The Ice Melts” took place in the form of a public talk where visitors could listen to Viktor’s stories about underwater photography, to ask climate scientist and Nobel laureate Alexei Kokorin, and attend a lecture by ecological journalist Bogdana Vashchenko “Climate change and people: what will happen to us?”

In total, 22 works from the White Sea cycle are presented at the exhibition, showing how marine life lives under ice. The exhibition runs until January 20, 2020.

Exhibition Impossible is Possible in Troitsk, Moscow, Russia

Yesterday, November 4, our exhibition “Impossible Is Possible” opened in the House of Scientists in the town of Troitsk near Moscow. It shows photos from various projects: #Seagull, Genie Jar, Being a Dolphin, Princess of Whales. In total, 18 works of 60x90cm are presented.

The exposition aroused keen interest. Photographers who came to the opening were interested in how the images were taken, which cameras and lenses were used, and asked a lot of questions about the physics and technology of underwater shooting.

The exhibition takes place as part of the All-Russian tour of the Photoparade in Uglich and will last until November 14.

Documentary “Until The Ice Melts” Nikon School

Nikon Ambassador Viktor Lyagushkin talks about the world’s first under ice photo exhibition “Until the Ice Melts”, which had been exhibited under the ice of the White Sea in February-April 2019. How the idea had been born, what difficulties had to be encountered in the process of its implementation, the author says.

Photography: Bogdana Vashchenko

Until The Ice Melts in HEINZ 14

The story about the world’s first under the ice exhibition, Until The Ice Melts, can be read in the German online magazine HEINZ for May 2019. It tells about the exhibition of photographs by Nikon ambassador Viktor Lyagushkin, which was exhibited under the ice of Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea from February 19 to 5 April 2019 on the basis of the Diving Centre and Lodge “Arctic Circle”.

The issue is available in English and German.

Until The Ice Melts in Chiiz Magazine

Two spreads in the Indian magazine Chiiz are dedicated to the world’s first under ice exhibit by Viktor Lyagushkin, Until The Ice Melts, which was held under the White Sea ice at the base of the Arctic Circle Dive Center and Lodge. Lots of details and photos for our English-speaking fans in Asia.