Viktor Lyagushkin’s ‘Martians and a Spaceship’: Official Cover Photo for the 2025 UN World Oceans Day Photo Competition

The United Nations has chosen Viktor Lyagushkin’s photograph “Martians and a Spaceship” as the cover photo for its 2025 Photo Competition for UN World Oceans Day.

The Photo Competition for UN World Oceans Day is an annual event that is free and open to the public. It offers photographers a unique opportunity to showcase the vast beauty of the ocean and highlight the promising potential that lies beneath its waves.

This year’s competition harnesses the power of the arts to broaden our perspectives and deepen our appreciation for our blue planet, inspiring action toward essential change.

The following four categories are now open for submissions:

1. Wonder: Sustaining What Sustains Us

2. Big and Small Underwater Faces

3. Underwater Seascapes

4. Above Water Seascapes

Winners will be announced on June 8th, UN World Oceans Day, which this year is celebrated in Nice. The event is hosted by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea in partnership with Oceanic Global, and the results will be published on DPG ( shortly afterward.

For more details about submissions, including category descriptions, contest rules, judges, and more, please click here.

The competition is coordinated by the United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, DPG, Oceanic Global, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, and Nausicaá.

25 Amazing Photos of Life Underwater – National Geographic Editor Choice

Editors of National Geographic Your Shot picked 25 Amazing Photos of Life Underwater from dozens of millions pictures sent by participants of this popular contest.

Editor’s selection included two photographs by Viktor Lyagushkin: Orda Cave underwater landscape andWhite Sea under ice.

Congrats, Viktor! Good job!


Two Worlds Photo is a Winner of National Geographic Your Shot

Our recent photos from the White Sea project Until The Ice Melts march across the planet. In the spring of 2018 in the Touristic Center Arctic Circle. Photographer is Viktor Lyagushkin, of course. And my contribution was to obediently hang under the ice hole.

July 20, 2018, this photo was chosen as a winner of Your Shot Daily Dozen by National Geographic, and three days later in the Instagram it has 40 000 likes!

Discovery with almost a million followers immediately re-posted this photo … I’m afraid to imagine what will happen next.

Viktor is a Trierenberg Super Circuit 2018 Winner!

We just received by mail a beautiful catalog with colour photographs. There are winners of one of the most stylish and respected world contests Trierenberg Super Circuit 2018. Viktor Lyagushkin won it again, having received a gold medal in the category “TRUST AND SECURITY” with a photo “Aspiration for light.”


#Seagull Movie In St-Petersburg International Festival

19424387_1240519212742333_7913838687542252095_nThe #Seagull movie has been shown during the St-Petersburg International Festival Festival of Festivals (20 – 29 june, St.Petersburg,Russia). It was a part of out-of-competition show of works-Laureates of the 8th Independent International Internet Festival of Author’s Cinema IISFF 8.


All-Russian Contest “Window Into The Nature”

LYG_1939A couple of weeks ago me and Viktor Lyagushkin became winners of the All-Russian Contest “Window Into The Nature” with the feature story for GEO (Russia) Sept 2016 dedicated to the Baikal issues.

Many thanks to our friends from Baikal Limnological Institute for opportunity to join their circum-Baikal expedition 2016, on the results of which the feature had been written, and to GEO editorials for the engagement and help in the creation of the story.

#Seagull Feature Short Movie Wins Grand Prix!

DiplomAnother victory! Our clip #Seagull received the high award – the Grand Prix of the 8th International Independent Internet Short Film Festival in the category “Short Film.” Congratulations to all who have helped, directly or indirectly, and it is your well-deserved victory. Thanks to those who supported our project on the crowdfunding site Boomstarter, who came to Lazurny Quarry, where the filming had been set, and helped us above and below the ice, who just sent rays of luck.

And of course, we are glad to thank our sponsors: Nikon, SUBAL, SanDisk, Scurion for technical support.

The #Seagull Wins The First Contest!

20-festival-klipFriday, December 16, 2016 the opening of the 20-th International Underwater Film Festival in Belgrade   started with our short movie #Seagull. At Sunday night I received an email with winners list, where I found my name and movie’s title.

1st place in the Independent Category on one of the oldest festivals of underwater movies! I still cannot believe that my debut get such a high estimation!

It is the victory of the entire team: operators Kirill Ivanov and Andrei Vertogradov; safety divers Andrei Dmitriev and Andrei Kenkurogov, the support team on the surface, a friendly team Wind Channel, which helped with the post-production. And of course, the incomparable Natalie Avseenko that perfectly played the role of Seagull.

Congratulations to all participants; to everyone who supported us on Boomstarter; all companies that provided technical support: the company Nikon (Russia), SUBAL Underwater Housings (Austria), SanDisk (Russia) and Scurion (Switzerland).

To catch a glance at a #Seagull leading the list of winners at the Festival site click here

#Seagull Project is nominated for Crystal Peak Award – 2016

Our most important project of this year with Natalie Avseenko – the #Seagull Project is nominated by Portal Editors for the Crystal Peak Award – 2016 in the category “Outdoor Project”.

The Crystal Peak Award has been held for 10 years, and we are very pleased to be among the nominees in this anniversary year. The winner will be determined by secret ballot, so we just have to keep fingers crossed. By the end of the month we will know the winner!