How To Make Photography For NG – Viktor’s Lecture

On April 28, 2020, our leader Viktor Lyagushkin gave a three-hour lecture in Zoom on how to shoot for National Geographic magazine. It is amazing how many new things we have learned: what are the criteria for choosing the material, how to find a topic that may interest the magazine, how to make your photo story according to the requirements of the editors. Viktor gave examples of his projects both under water and underground.

Thanks to everyone who connected to the broadcast, and have sent us such rave reviews! Let me give you a few:

Andrey Krivoshein: A positive moment of what is happening in the world – more virtual meetings that we need, the opportunity to hear something new, to see each other at least on the network and chat! Viktor, thank you for carrying away yourself and us!

Sergey Sheremet: Viktor, thank you, it was interesting to listen about the NG routine and the competition among authors. I caught myself thinking that I personally know almost all speleo photographers who shoot for NG, they are on the fingers of one hand. I also noticed that people came to listen about photography and asked questions about caves, you fascinated them so!


Elena Kurilyuk: Thank you very much for the lecture! So much new and interesting! Sheer delight. I’ll definitely visit the remaining lectures. Thank you for your work and time.

The lecture is available in recording here:



Hurry to see while the service stores the record.

Biofilters by Denis Lotarev

artist Denis Lotarev on the exhibition

March 7, 2020 in St. Petersburg in the gallery “ART LIGA” launched the exhibition “Life Cycle”, where, among other works, photographs by Viktor Lyagushkin are presented. His photos depict underwater biomorphic sculptures by St. Petersburg artist Denis Lotarev from his science-art project Biofilters.

Denis was inspired by marine creatures living under the ice of the White Sea. As an artist, Denis Lotarev creatively reinterprets biological objects and their significance in human life and in the life of the planet.

The exhibition runs until April 19th.

Star Time In HEINZ Magazine

My article in the German magazine HEINZ about the starfish of the Northern seas, the northern lights and underwater photography. The magazine is published in German and English.

I swear that everything was as it was written in the article, including the filling of pies and the fear of imaginary bears.

Many thanks to the editor for the lovely lead in the contents.

Moscow Dive Show 2020

From February 6 to 9, 2020, the annual traditional diving exhibition Dive Show was held in Moscow in Sokolniki. There is so much to tell about it that I did not dare to sit down to write this report for a long time. Well firstly, the most important thing is exhibition

Until The Ice Melts

For the first time our exhibition is presented in such an amount – 20 the best works from the White Sea by Nikon Ambassador and our team leader photographer Viktor Lyagushkin.

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Fantastic Creatures of The White Sea – Nikon.Pro

Skeleton shrimps caprellas are sitting on a laminaria leaf. They are very funny animals, albeit very small: they grow to a maximum of 5 cm in length. Caprellas are very social: they communicate, eat and fight each other without stop.

One of my best stories about the White Sea is published on the Nikon website. How and under what conditions we have to work, what difficulties an underwater photographer encounters when shooting under the ice. Serious things and oddities in one bottle.

The story is divided into two parts, here are the links:

Meeting at Kyiv School of Photography

On December 11, 2019, Nikon Ambassador Viktor Lyagushkin met his fans at the Kiev School of Photography. The photographer told the audience about the progress of the project Until The Ice Melts, including the world’s first exhibition under the ice, showed videos and photographs taken during the project.
The pre-holiday situation in the city set Viktor in a cheerful mood, so the lecturer decided to appear in front of the audience, leaving the telephone box in the corner of the photo studio, as famous Doctor Who.

Presentation of the Calendar 2020

On November 15, there was a presentation of our Сalendar 2020 with photographs by Viktor Lyagushkin in the cafe “Our Circle”. It sounds very formal, but in fact it was a very chamber, almost family event.

Viktor told the guests about underwater animals that inhabit the White Sea, paid special attention to those whose photos were included in the Calendar. Bogdana Vashchenko spoke about climate change in the Russian Arctic and the impact of the change on the lives of animals and people.

Until The Ice Melts in Arkhangelsk

Виктор Лягушкин и нобелевский лауреат Алексей Кокорин на открытии выставки

Nikon Ambassador Viktor Lyagushkin and Nobel Laureate Alexei Kokorin at the opening of the exhibition

November 9, 2019 in the building of the Pomorsk Philharmonic in Arkhangelsk, the opening of the exhibition of photographs by Viktor Lyagushkin “Until The Ice Melts” took place in the form of a public talk where visitors could listen to Viktor’s stories about underwater photography, to ask climate scientist and Nobel laureate Alexei Kokorin, and attend a lecture by ecological journalist Bogdana Vashchenko “Climate change and people: what will happen to us?”

In total, 22 works from the White Sea cycle are presented at the exhibition, showing how marine life lives under ice. The exhibition runs until January 20, 2020.

Documentary “Until The Ice Melts” Nikon School

Nikon Ambassador Viktor Lyagushkin talks about the world’s first under ice photo exhibition “Until the Ice Melts”, which had been exhibited under the ice of the White Sea in February-April 2019. How the idea had been born, what difficulties had to be encountered in the process of its implementation, the author says.

Photography: Bogdana Vashchenko