#Seagull Project is Announced!

#Seagull is a project of freedom, finding oneself, about life after death and love conquering death.
Princess of Whales

Freedom, love and flight – it’s hard to say how they are related, but somehow the simple words excite all the people of our planet. They make us dream, make our hearts run faster, this is something that is worth living.

Our project is named #Seagull. Seagull is not just a bird, it is a symbol of struggle, symbol of soul, connection between the worlds, a personification of grief and happiness. It is Jonathan Livingston Seagull flying from the parable by Richard Bach; it is the Stormy Petrel by Maxim Gorky. It is a story of difficult obstacles, intractable obstacles, the will, desire, and feelings of a person who wins what cannot be beat. Continue reading

Interview for Digital Photo (UK)

Viktor InterviewGreat interview with Viktor Lyagushkin for Digital Photo (UK).

We were glad to communicate with so professional journalists asking very important questions and answered with great pleasure.
And the result is an interview we are very proud of.

Almost all the emblematic photographs are there: Orda Cave and Blue Lake, and of course “Princess of Whales” with beluga whales and Natalie Avseenko.

We also took the opportunity to mention and thank our cponsors: Nikon, Subal and Ikelite companies.

Natalie Avseenko became Freediving Instructor-Trainer SSI

Natalie Avseenko Freediving Instructor Trainer SSIOur congratulations to our team member, our heart and conscience, twice world champion in freediving Natalie Avseenko, who became Freediving Instructor Trainer SSI at 20 May 2013.

Great job, Natalie! We are so proud of you!

Note: 5000 or more freedive sessions have been done by her, as the card reads. Just imagine, what does it mean!

“Chasing the Light” Cover Story

Chasing the Light by Jesse BlackadderThis morning I’ve received a warm email from Jesse Blackadder, the author of a great novell “Chasing the Light”. It reads: “I’m the author of the book that features one of your exquisite photos on the cover. I’d really like to link to your website for more information about that shot. … I’m sure my readers will be fascinated – I’ve had so many great comments about the cover!”

Dear Jesse, that is a good question, I’ll tell you the story with pleasure. The woman on this photo is Natalie Avseenko, twice world champion in freediving.

These two women (Natalie’s and your heroine) were seperated with 80 years and resided on the opposite ends of the earth, but their stories seem to have similar features. These two women are very feminine and strong at the same time; I think, it was their inner integrity and fidelity to themselves made them who they are.

The shot had been captured by Viktor Lyagushkin in the White sea, behind the North Polar Circle, 2011.   In this project Natalie freedived naked with white whales. Swimming with belugas was her child dream, but why she was naked? Continue reading

Red Sea Photographer of the Year 2013 News

Congratulations to our team photographer, Victor Lyagushkin! He set the first place in January stage of the competition Photographer of the Year 2013 with his Blue Lake photo, Lady of Orda Cave photo and photo from Lazurny quarry. Wish him good luck for the future!


“On The Edge” Documentary Backstage

The story behind the scene is always very intriguing. So I want to tell you about the story of “On the Edge” documentary. We had strated our training at Lazurny quarry, our friends DivExpert home site. Visibility there is great all the year around, no fish, but surrealistic underwater landscape with green pine trees staying at the bottom.
Continue reading

Lady of Orda Cave – Documentary

Lady of Orda Cave

Dear friends,
the documentary dedicated to our recent adventure to Orda Cave is ready! It is available at Russia Today Channel web site. Documentary anounce reads:

“Free diving champion Natalie Avseenko is seeking inner peace in the deep of the Orda Cave in Russia’s Perm Region. Join RT as we travel with her and an entourage of support divers, photographers, and journalists documenting her attempt to become the underwater legend known as the Mistress of the Orda Cave”.
The documentary “Mistress of the Orda Cave”